

SMA 1 PATI is located at Panglima Sudirman street no.24 Pati,in Puri village rt… rw…., Pati, Central Java, and in front of Pati Residency office. SMA 1 PATI is the oldest SMA in the Pati Residency, It has existed since 1948. The School was launched by Bupati with name “SMA NEGRI PATI” and in 1990 became “SMA Negri 1 PATI” because there was SMA 2 PATI in 1990. SMA 1 PATI is not only the the oldest but also the best SMA in Pati Residency. In 2007, Depdiknas launched SMA 1 PATI as RSBI and in 2011insyaAllah will be SBI( International Standarized School). Area of the school is 2 hectare
Facilities in SMA 1 PATI are unique. For RSBI(pre-SBI) , SMA 1 PATI have very old building as the Classes. But in the Classes there too many kind modern technology like Computer and LCD projector. Teachers and students usually use the computer for teaching learning process, e.g. for presentation, internet download and upload. The School has 8 laboratories; there are Lab. Biology, Lab. Religion, Lab. Computer, Lab. Physics, Lab. Chemistry, Lab. Music, Lab Language, and Lab. Social. SMA 1 PATI also has Audio Visual Room, a big and good library and Multipurpose Building named Kridangga. The Sport facilities are good enough, there are a football field, a basketball stadium, a volleyball arena, a badminton place, fitness area, and a tennis table in Kridangga , and 2 tennis field. SMA 1 PATI has large park for teacher and students, and has 7 Canteen.
Students that study at SMA 1 PATI are very smart students. The Entry selections were very tight. In 2009, SMP students that checked in SMA 1 PATI were 800 students, whereas the quota only 300 students. Many student not come from Pati, there’re from Kudus, Rembang, Jepara, and Demak. Majority students are from outer Pati regency, they live boarding at Inhabitant house (Kost) around SMA 1 PATI. There are two cost for Kost per month, first is Rp.350.00 for board and eat, second is Rp.90.000 only for board. The Students, who have home near the school, mostly use motor bike to go to school, and rarely use public transportation like angkot and bus.
SMA 1 PATI has many professional teachers, especially science Teachers, They can speak English well, because since lesson must use English in teaching learning process. Many teachers do not live at Pati, they are from juana, kudus, kayen, etc . . Mostly, SMA 1 PATI teacher have title of degree, 25% are S2 title and 75% are S1 title. And there are two kinds of teacher, PNS and Non-PNS.PNS teachers who 72 people are paid by government while Non-PNS who 13 teachers are paid by school. Every week SMA 1 PATI teachers must attend computer and English training, for requisite as SBI, teachers might able to operate computer and speak English well. In order to Certificated teachers, they have to teach 24 hours per week. Because amount of teachers is very excessively, SMA 1 PATI does team teaching. A lesson is taught by two teachers, so students can understand easily.
SMA 1 PATI has club organizations. There are ROHIS, PMR, PKS, GASTRA, Presmapa. ROHIS is a student organization that budging for religion activities in SMA 1 PATI, like Idul Adha, Maulud Nabi Muhammad saw. PMR is a student organization that useful for students healthy at school. PKS is a student organization that keep students thing at school and as school police, every morning PKS keep students motorcycle at park. GASTRA is a students organization that straighten up the Monday ceremony, GASTRA’s members have duty for organized the ceremony. Paresmapa is a students organization that use for go to extreme place like jungle, very high mountain, and ocean.
SMA 1 PATI has too many achievements, from sport, debate, LCC, and Olympiad. In sport, Bintang Putri (SMA 1 PATI’s ladies basketball team) is the best team in Pati Regency. Bintang Putri always gets Winner Title in every competition except that team was unlucky. For Debate, every competition SMA 1 PATI always gets title although SMA 1 PATI was unlucky, The School has good trainer for debate, based on the fact that SMA 1 PATI was a winner of English Debate Competition, Central Java. Olympiad is the main target of SMA 1 PATI, in 2007 SMA 1 PATI is General Winner of OSN( National Science Olympiad), with a silver from Mathematics, 2 gold from Chemistry, a gold from Physics, a gold and a silver from Economic. The Highest SMA 1 PATI’s achievement (until 2010) is bronze medal from Chemistry International Olympiad.

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